Cat schrodinger
Cat schrodinger

cat schrodinger

The reason is that the timeless subspace model (i.e., t = 0) cannot exist within our temporal space (i.e., t > 0). Strictly speaking, as a whole it is not a physically correct model, and the solution should not be used for temporal or causality problems. However, a timeless empty subspace cannot exist within our temporal universe! Although Bohr’s atomic model have been used since the birth of Bohr’s atom, its background has been mistakenly interpreted as an absolutely empty timeless subspace.

cat schrodinger

And we may not be aware that the model is not a physically real model, since the submerged background represents a timeless empty subspace. In which we see that, nucleus and electrons were shown by a dimensionless singularities representation. Nonetheless, practically all the particle sciences were developed from point-singularity approximation and had been “unintentionally” embedding a point-singularity atomic model within an empty timeless subspace, as shown in Figure 1.Īn isolated Bohr’s atomic model (or a timeless model) his the Planck’s constant, and vis the radiation frequency. And the advantages have been very useful for extending scientific researches and their applications. And the beauty of the fundamental laws must be mathematical simplicity, so that their complicated logics and significances can be understood easily. For example, science has evolved from Newtonian mechanics to Einstein’s theory of relativity and to Schrödinger’s quantum mechanics. In addition, all the fundamental sciences need constant revision. Science is also an axiom of logic without logic science would be useless for practical application. Using exact math to evaluate inexact science cannot guarantee the solution exists within our temporal subspace. Science is a law of approximation and mathematics is an axiom of absolute certainty. Any science proven within our temporal universe is physically real otherwise, it is fictitious unless it can be repeated by experiments. Every temporal subspace cannot be a subspace of an absolute empty subspace, and any absolute empty space cannot have temporal subspace in it. And the created subspace (or substance) cannot bring back the section of time that has expensed for its creation. For example, every piece of temporal subspace (or every bit of information) takes energy and time to create. One important aspect within our temporal universe (or time-dependent universe) is that one cannot get something from nothing: there is always a price to pay. In short, we have found the hypothesis of Schrödinger’s cat is not a physical realizable postulation, and his quantum mechanics as well as his fundamental principle of superposition is timeless, which behaves like mathematics does. On the contrary it has produced numerous numbers of useful solutions for practical application, as long as the temporal or causality condition (i.e., t > 0) is not the issue. This is by no means of saying that timeless quantum space is a useless subspace. Since the whole quantum space is timeless (i.e., t = 0), we will show that the fundamental superposition principle fails to exist within our temporal space but only existed within a timeless virtual space. I will show that Schrödinger’s cat can only either be alive or dead, but not at the same time, regardless if we look into or not look into the Schrödinger’s box. I will show that by immersing the subatomic model into a temporal subspace, instead of a timeless subspace, the situation is different.

cat schrodinger

However, the universe (our home) is a temporal space (i.e., t > 0), and it does not allow any timeless subspace in it. And this is the atomic model that all the particle physicists, quantum scientists, and engineers had been using for over a century, since Niels Bohr proposed it in 1913. In this chapter, I will show that the paradox of the cat’s life is primarily due to the underneath subspace in which the hypothetical subatomic model is submerged within a timeless empty subspace (i.e., t = 0). The life of Schrödinger’s cat has been puzzling the quantum physicists for over eight decades as Schrödinger disclosed it in 1935. One the most famous cats in science must be the Schrödinger’s cat in quantum mechanics, in which the cat can be either alive or dead at the same time, unless we look into the Schrödinger’s box.

Cat schrodinger